Ebola Virus Disease Epidemiological Surveillance Update
Montserrado County IMS
Republic of Liberia
Last update: 03/03/2015

Origin of the Cases Reported in Island Clinic ETU

The map is dynamic, you can zoom in and out and pan to see other parts and move.
The default data displayed on the map are the daily data. To see data from a different day, you can move the cursor of the slider located on bottom-left corner.
To see the cumulative data, click on the button "Cumulative Data" on the top-right corner.
To display OpenStreetMap data as a background, click on the "OpenStreetMap" button.

Data only include lab confirmed cases.

Daily Statistics

How to use the chart

The chart is interactive. You can hide a variable by clicking on the corresponding colored circle in the legend above the chart.
As you select or unselect a variable you will see the y-axis dynamically change to adapt to the range of the displayed data.